Atlantawhich recently finished broadcasting its third season. The show currently has three seasons, and the fourth season is scheduled to premiere on July 12. The series is based on the 2014 movie of the same name and follows the daily lives of a group of vampires who have lived together for 100 years as they go about their daily lives. Simms is no stranger to the network, having executive produced and written episodes of the satirical comedy series What do we do in the shade?. Alvarez is currently set to write and act on the pilot episode.Įnglish teacher Focuses on Evan, a gay English high school teacher in Austin, and his classmates as they try to find a balance between the demands of both their students and their parents as the rules of the world are constantly changing. English teacher Comes from the executive producers Brian Jordan Alvarez And the Paul Sims. FX may add new comics to its lineup, as the network has officially given the green light to a beta order for a new comic series.